Planting the seeds of excellence
In 1999, supporters of the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation learned how their generosity was making a positive impact on students.
“Planting the Seeds of Excellence,” our annual impact report, tells a story of challenge and perseverance. Colorado was ranked 49th in the country for K-12 educational spending, with 25% of its high school students not graduating. However, Cherry Creek Schools continued to score above average on state and national assessments while graduating more than 86% of our students.
Today, that number is 91%, thanks to increased efforts by the district as well as financial support from the Foundation. In addition to the Monte C. Moses Scholarship for Future Educators, the Foundation has helped support students in graduating and pursuing their dreams for decades.
SIDE NOTE: The Foundation used to hold an annual luncheon to honor and celebrate our generous community of donors as well as highlight the incredible work being done by our teachers and students. The last luncheon in 2013 had special guest Steve Spangler, who led guests in a science experiment that may have narrowly avoided setting off the fire alarms!